Practitioners, clinicians and patients say it all

What our patients are saying

“I am a self-employed businessman, who over the period of COVID, started to struggle with my sleep and felt stressed as my workload increased significantly over this period. I now sleep all night and have a sense of peace I have not had for a long time.”

— William, Businessman

“I feel completely relaxed, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally.”

— Shane, aged 60

“I have turned to Flowpresso® a couple of times in the past couple of years to help with my health and wellbeing.”

— Nicole, 35 years old

“I have used the Flowpresso® suit on and off over the last 3 years. Prior to the suits invention I had traditional lymphatic treatments which I still do but think the suit complements it well.”

— J, CEO

What our Practitioners are saying

"The Flowpresso® system has added two dimensions to my business - expansion and client results. I have been able to refresh my product offering to clients to include a very special and unique modality. On top of that, the results I am seeing with the type of clients I work with (sleep assistance & recovery) has been expedited through the 3-n-1 Flowpresso offering. For a business that operates in the workplace well being space, the Flowpresso investment has offered a sensational ROI."

— Adele, Team EQ

"Flowpresso® has been an amazing asset to my business. As an alternative therapist who works a lot with stress and anxiety, I knew when I first heard about Flowpresso that it would be the perfect somatic experience to compliment the therapeutic services that my business already offers and my holistic approach. My clients love using Flowpresso to assist their stress management and health journey and are raving about the results."

— Jessica, Inspired Life Collective